Sara Lobato (RN, IBCLC)

Sara Lobato (RN, IBCLC)

"You are the best mom for your baby. No one can do better than you. That doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for help, breastfeeding is a full time job- it takes a village."


  • Prepping for Breastfeeding
  • Positioning Techniques
  • Latching Technique or Tongue Tie
  • Expression & Pumping Techniques
  • Managing Milk Supply
  • Introducing Bottle Feeding or Formula
  • Eliminating Pain
  • Returning to Work

Breastfeeding is the ultimate display of love and health you can give to your newborn, but there is a major learning curve if you’re a first-time mom. Sara Lobato is a certified lactation consultant and registered nurse who knows how complicated the process can be. She has worked with mothers who’ve had every challenge you can think of, and she’s helped them overcome the issues so they can bond with their babies in this special way. Sara will help you stay motivated so you can get past the difficult part, because it only gets easier with time. She’ll help you navigate returning to work, if that is part of your plan, and will stick by your side until you’re ready to wean. She wants you to experience the joy and accomplishment of knowing that you are giving your baby the most special gift in his or her first months of life.