Maryanne Pitman (RN, CCRP)

Maryanne Pitman (RN, CCRP)

"The most important thing is to know that you are not alone, and that there are a lot of resources to help you. Gather as much information as you can from reliable resources and keep going."


  • Fertility Treatments in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
  • IVF 101, IUI 101, Egg Freezing 101
  • Frozen Embryo Transfers
  • Donor Eggs
  • Understanding Fertility Test Results: Male and Female
  • Early Pregnancy
  • Navigating LGBT Options

A woman shouldn't have to deal with fertility treatments on her own, period. Maryanne is a registered nurse with 27 years of experience specializing in fertility. She's worked in a field research capacity at Weill Cornell, NYU, and Mt. Sinai. Maryanne received fertility treatments herself in the 1980s when there was very little information available; due to her experience in the field, she resolved the issues, and eventually gave birth to a son. This woman is on a mission to make information about fertility more accessible for women and families. Maryanne loves speaking with women and couples to help alleviate their fears and frustration about conception. She's heard it all, and she's here to answer your questions. Maryanne's that encouraging voice to help you get through the toughest days.