Shira Danzig (PhD)

Shira Danzig (PhD)

"Don’t put so much weight on every single moment. Accept the parts of the process that are out of your control.


  • Managing work life balance
  • Rejoining the workforce
  • Changing career direction
  • Clarifying your career vision
  • Leadership development

When you first become a new mother, you add a new role to your identity. Throughout your life, you’ve been a family member, a partner, a friend, a career woman—becoming a mother is definitely next-level. Shira Danzig, licensed clinical psychologist, is an expert at helping women find out what each of her roles mean to her personally and how to find her confidence as a mother and everything else. Whether you are navigating a new career as a mom, struggling with work/life balance (who isn’t?), returning to work after leave, or dealing with childcare providers, Shira can be your guiding light. She will help you reduce your anxiety over things you can’t control and steer you to focus on what you can impact. She loves helping women navigate life transitions and making them feel more empowered in their lives as mothers and career women.